Tamana beach and restaurant and second boat trip into lagoon and last days on Aitutaki: Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Tamana beach and restaurant and second boat trip into lagoon

turn off background music if you don’t want to listen to it

10 sep; we went to the beach opposite our house again. A local fisherman went out to catch his daily meal, I had a chat with him, and at night we had tea at Tamana beach restaurant. After tea we walked to our scooter and a Cormorant (Jan van Gent) flew around the restaurant and got stuck on the roof. It must have lost orientation in the dark. At night at home I saw this huge Gecko on the kitchen bench ! I took a close up, it was only 1 centimeter long !

11 sep; second boat trip; the skippers Kimmi and Barry with no hands ! While approaching the sand bank we saw some kyte surfers. As we are getting close to the sandbank, you can see One foot island on the right

Nice calming video’s of our short stay on the sandbank, the colours are amazing, it’s almost like you are on a different planet.

The following 2 photo’s have been taken from the sandbank and each cover 180 degrees panoramas: First photo islands from left to right; Rapota, Veu, Aitutaki with the “hill”, Angarei, Ee, Mangere, Papua Papau, Tavaerua Iti, Tavaerua Nui, Akaiami, Muritapua, Tekopua, One foot island ( Tapuaetai) (Lindsay just visible !), Motukitiu. Second photo; islands from left to right; One foot island, Motukitiu, Rapota, Veu, Aitutaki.

I walked around one foot island, and it took me about 15 minutes. I walked clockwise starting at were the boat landed for lunch and I took a photo about every 40 meters. 15 minutes seems long but I walked mostly through the water, because there was a lot of growth on the water edge, and I wanted the water on every photo;

On the sea side of one foot island I saw a few kyte surfers who seemed to have put a temporary base up on a small sandbank between one foot island and the surf

snorkel photo’s and videos download from underwater camera 11 sep here; second trip boat tour

11 sep our last meal at Tamana Beach before we fly back to Rarotonga the next day;

12 sep; Bob dropped Lindsay off at church and Bob went to the highest point Maunga Pu on the near northern most point of Aitutaki and took a just over 270 degree panorama of the lagoon. So in the photo you see about 95% of Aitutaki. On Maunga Pu they are working on a new cell tower.

left is airport and start point Bishops lagoon tour and the islands close to one foot island just left of the middle and the western side of Aitutaki

Last shot of our place “Moana villa”

12 sep we leave, and there is a “plaque” when you walk to the plane with info about the TEAL Coral Route at Akaiami island

Left is the cell tower on Maunga Pu hill seen from the plane taking off late this afternoon.

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